This happens as many performance-oriented players will tend to play the strongest spec or class, increasing even further the gap between top and bottom specs.Specs that are considered underpowered are generally played less and tend to appear weaker than they actually are.We say perspective, as there are inherent biases in looking at the data this way. The idea of this article is to give a perspective of the state of class balance for Sanctum of Domination in Shadowlands Season 2, looking at the data of the most recent week in the raid. The data for this article was taken from the Sanctum of Domination Statistics Page on Warcraft Logs under the Shadowlands Patch 9.1 partition for Heroic difficulty in the week of July 6th. Warcraft Logs' Sanctum of Domination Statistics Page
For this analysis we will use data provided by Warcraft Logs Heroic Sanctum of Domination statistics. With the opening of Sanctum of Domination, it is time to once again look at DPS ranking data for the new raid, based on data of the week of July 6th.